Friday, January 06, 2006

Awkward is the word "award" with a k and an extra w

I was at the grocery store the other night with my parents, and I saw Josh Nelson, my friend Cody's roommate, there. This is weird because Josh Nelson is not from my hometown. He was with this other guy, so he might have been visiting, but I didn't recognize the other guy.

Anyway, I pretty much hate situations like that. Because, you see, though I know Josh and he would probably recognize me, we're not actually friends, and how do you greet people like that? That kind of hello is always awkward and weird.

So, I decided to pretend not to see him. Which, as you can imagine, became increasingly difficult, especially when he and the other guy checked out at the same time that we did, and the only other checkout line open was the one next to ours. So I had to concentrate on looking at my cashier's face, and not behind her, where I might accidentally make eye contact with Josh. Which may or may not have been completely obvious.

Whew. Good thing I avoided awkwardness.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey, sometimes I do that to people whom I do consider to be friends.
You're not alone.


1/06/2006 3:48 PM  
Blogger Ruthie said...

Ok, so I do this ALL THE TIME!!! And I always feel so stupid afterwards. But I'm sure you didn't feel stupid, because you never do anything to warrant that kind of feeling. I love you.

1/07/2006 7:44 PM  

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