It's been a pathetically long time.
Well, I guess I'm lazy. There is no other excuse. I simply haven't felt like thinking hard enough to write in here for a reprehensible amount of time. Apologies.
And now for some happy news! Guess what I get to do on Saturday? Go ahead, guess!
You: Fly in a hot air balloon to the middle of Montana and chat with a friendly grizzly bear?
Close, but no.
You: Go speed dating with your elderly widowed neighbor?
Sorry, that was last week.
You: Get married to a Texas oil baron who feels that women should be provided with every comfort known to man and who insists that you wear diamonds at all times and who pays off all of your student loans and builds you a castle just north of Edinburg, Ireland where you will be happy for the rest of your luxurious, over-indulgent lives, except when you travel to your summer palace in Milan where you will be happy for the rest of your luxurious, over-indulgent and fabulously tan lives?
Nope, even better. I get to go see my dear friend Marly stage manage a play! (Actually, technically I won't be able to SEE her stage manage it, but I will see the effects of her stage managing. It's like God, kind of...) I get to drive to her house in Grinnell where I will get to visit with her and my good friend Tracey, Marly's roommate, and then we get to go watch her show, and then we're going to hang out that night and do ridiculously fun things (because it's us!) and then go to Marly's church in the morning and then I do some more driving until I come to my friend Tina's house in Davenport. (I was going to just let that sentence keep running on, but I decided it was even annoying me. A bad sign.) Tina and I will hang out, and then we go start Drama Day Camp early Monday morning, where much fun, frivolity, and frustration will be had by all. Monday night will see me at Cindy's house, where we will settle into a routine of DDC in the daytime and country music concerts at the fair in the evenings.
See? I told you. Happy news. Anyway, have a day filled with penguin references and M&M Peanuts. To close, here's something I did not write, but appreciate greatly:
"God is good. He comforts and sustains. He protects and provides. He works and ministers in ways unseen, unknown, and which cannot be explained. Praise be to Him who is faithful."