Sunday, April 09, 2006

Today I Walked With You

Today I walked with you
All the way up the puddle jumper trail
And back again.

I noticed that the grass was green again
And I studied the still brown fields,
Hoping to see traces
Of tiny shoots, bright with that new green
That you love so much.

(I know you love it, because
When I look at it, my heart is filled
With ripples of your delight.)

The wind was so strong.
Sometimes it literally pushed me off balance
Or redirected my steps. I leaned into it
And felt like I was leaning into you.

As we walked, I told you
What I hated about myself.

You told me
What you loved about me.

I told you what I was
Afraid of.

You told me what you
Had done for me.

I told you what I couldn't fix.
You told me what you could.

The trail cut sharply
Into the side of a small hill, and
Just for a moment, I pretended
I was a hobbit
Hiding from a Ringwraith
On my way to Bree.

(Only a moment, and then
My voice echoed yours
In laughter at my ridiculousness.)

I looked around me,
At the beauty of the better-late-than-never Spring,
And I told you I wanted to make art,
Great art,
And I begged you to make me worthy
Of opportunities to do so.

You told me what I was asking.

I asked you to tell me
What you had planned for me
What you wanted me to do.

And you were silent.

And I thanked you that
There was a plan--
That I could be wrong but at least I would know
That there was a right way,
And I wondered why that was comforting.

Today you walked with me
All the way up the puddle jumper trail
And back again.


Blogger Rabies said...

"My heart is filled with ripples of your delight." Some people like to paint a beautiful picture that is worth a thousand words. You, Lindsay, can use a thousand words (or less) to paint a beautiful picture. Thank you for taking me there with you through this poem. I heart you.

4/10/2006 2:46 AM  
Blogger Beloved Meadow said...

Sigh - you're a poet, and well, amazing. Thank you.

4/10/2006 12:27 PM  

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